Friday, January 9, 2009
pictures of korjason's wedding!
The Gorgeous ones!Dayi's one happy mother with her son getting married.
Flower girls and Boys playing with flowers! (:
The 'i do' part
KorJason's wedding was awesome. Everything was perfect. The waiters even danced on stage for us! hahaha, how cute right? I'm getting all hyped up and prepare for this busy year man, It's gonna be a year with no slacking but continuous studying non-stop round the clock. yeaaa.
whoa, Sec four's really tiring. Even though this is only the first week of school, i'm feeling it already. And there's SYF too man.. poo.
Today(YES. now we have extra practice on satrudays.), we met our new instructor. He's really nice like our choir sounds good. He has that charm that gets all our attention and we listen. And most importantly, we get things done.
Yes, that's all i guess for updates. toodles!
( oh yea! this. this! )I did it! not bad eh? (:
Posted by Blessed at 8:41 PM