Friday, July 15, 2011

Thank God!

Thank You, God.

You are so awesome. Thank You for your favour.
All glory goes to You.

Posted by Blessed at 9:25 AM

Friday, July 1, 2011

RIP Gianni

As most of you would have already figured out by now, I am not your typical avid blogger that blogs much.

Thus, this post is really special and I would like to dedicate it to someone of such a great significance that would deserve this.

He is none other Gianni, the yorkshire terrier.

He had left this world yesterday, 1/7/2011.

I do not know much about how he passed on or whatsoever, but what I know for sure is that he had lived a life so fruitble and abundant that most dogs could only dream of having.

Gianni was one of the highlight of my childhood. I remember him always being there for me whenever I needed a hug or just the presence of something living. I'll never forget how he would always sit by the leg of my chair to accompany me while I do my work. He wouldn't even leave to go anywhere and was always alert of every move I make. He was that loyal a dog.

So, Gianni - though I know you'll never ever see this. I just want to say that I love you and thank you for being the loyal and good-natured you at all the times. You will be missed, never forgotten and forever in my heart.

Love, jiejieBena

"To you, He may just be a dog. But to him, you're everything." -SPCA

Posted by Blessed at 10:18 AM